Thursday, November 6, 2014

A tale of election results, a Golden Glove, test results and sedation…

Yesterday was such a whirlwind of a day.  I fancy myself a Democrat, and woke up to news of a Republican Governor-elect for Massachusetts and Republican control of Congress.  But in the end I consider myself an American more than a political partisan.  My moment of disappointed lasted only a second because the next article I read said that Red Sox 2b Dustin Pedroia had won his 4th Gold Glove.  Go Sox!  (Bostonians have a way of working that into any conversation).  But enough about these things, I have bigger things on my mind.

Yesterday was the day for my cardiac MRI.  THE DAY.  This was scheduled by my cardiologist after a less than stellar echocardiogram a few weeks ago.  A thickened left chamber wall and mildly decreased heart function (along with my familial history of course) warranted further testing.  Yesterday we were having the MRI done to confirm the heart ejection fraction percentage and also check to see if I am showing any signs of LVNC like my Dad.  To say I was scared would be an understatement.  A previous MRI many years ago left me panic stricken, and I pressed the call button 6 times before they finally gave me my “last chance” and I suffered through it. 

But before we get to all that…

The election results and Sox news were not the only things I woke up to yesterday.  I also had a missed call, a text message and a Facebook message from my sister.  Mysterious “Are you awake?” messages just after 10pm (which is basically the middle of the night in our house).  No voicemail, nothing.  Now, my sister is notorious for being the person to deliver me bad news.  So my heart dropped.  She didn’t answer my text message right away and I was a ball of nerves.  When she FINALLY (10 minutes later, but it felt like for-ev-er) got back to me, it was good news.  My Dad had an echocardiogram and stress test done earlier this week and the echo showed that my Dad’s heart function was at 30%!  30%!!!  A month ago his MRI had not showed any improvement at all from the initial 15% diagnosis.  It appears they may have finally found the right combo of meds and lifestyle changes to help his heart.  Hallelujah!  He is not “out of the woods” or anything… but it was positive news for sure.  He is going to have another MRI done and then they will make a determination on his heart surgery scheduled for next week.  Eeeeep!

So now it was my turn.  I knew from my last experience that I wanted to be sedated.  My doctor gave me 4 pretty little pills to take as needed to get me though the procedure.   My Dad was kindly picking me up and driving me into Boston (payback) and I took 2 of the meds right before we left the house.  When we got to the hospital I was still “with it” and still nervous so I took 1 more.  After changing into the patient gown (WHY IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS HOLY ARE THESE THINGS STILL SO HIDEOUS?!?!  Is it too much to ask for a pretty paisley print?  Ugh.), I got my IV and EKG thingy’s all hooked up and in I went.  The time flew by in my hazy mental state so it wasn’t bad at all. 

On the ride home I felt very woozy and nauseous.  I had to open the window and hang my head out to keep from getting sick.  I hardly remember walking into my house but I remember going straight to my bed.  At 5pm.  While my kids where in their highchairs eating dinner.  I woke up at 3:30 this morning feeling like someone had slugged me in the head, and with the medical tape cutting off circulation on my right are from the IV.  Today I just feel no bueno!

SO now, I wait.  Fingers crossed that my heart shows no signs of LVNC.  I hope to hear back from my cardiologist tomorrow.  Also fingers crossed for my Dad’s next test and continued improvement. 


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